While growing up you must have come across the maxims like "Never judge a book by its cover" "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" "Beauty is only skin deep" "Look Doesn't matter" but the question we should ask ourselves is do we really never judge a book by its cover? To be honest, you are mistaken if you think physical attractiveness doesn't matter. Various scientific studies prove that the above maxims are pure fallacies. Ask yourself whether you judge people by their look and you will have your answer. Your physical attractiveness does matter irrespective of your philosophy.
In this post, we are going to face the harsh truth. You will see how your physical attractiveness level influence your life completely (Your income, Your life partner, Job opportunities, Social status, Parental love, Your Performance and much more). We are going to see the hidden discrimination that is prevailing unnoticed for thousands of years.
Gordon L. Patzer has mentioned an interesting thing in his book (Looks). He writes, "Hypothetically, evolutionary theory predicts that after zillions of years fewer and fewer people of lesser attractiveness will be produced until one person with greater physical attractiveness will be producing offspring." It is simply because those with higher physical attractiveness have more chances of attracting mates. Survival of the fittest !!
If you have started to disagree you must ask why most of the storybooks such as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping beauty etc. have beautiful people as hero/heroine whereas the villains are shown to be ugly. What could be the logic?
Beauty Is An Old Concept
Physical attractiveness is not a new concept. Humans beings have given importance to physical attractiveness way since the very beginning. Almost all the religious books, cultures and even some great thinkers have acknowledged the significance of beauty. Plato called the good looks the privilege of nature while Aristotle or perhaps Diogenes said "Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference."
The beauty of Abraham's wife Sarah in the book of Genesis was the reason why he received a lot of gold, silver, slaves and livestock. Almost all religious books have also acknowledged the physical attractiveness of men and women. In ancient times people believed that physical attractiveness was a reward from the Gods and its opposite was punishment. In fact in modern times as well we sometimes compliment others by saying that God has made them so beautiful.
Beauty Is The Basic Construct Of Nature
Dr Stephen Marquardt's research reveals the existence of the Golden ratio 1.618:1 (also called phi ratio). In his research, he has compiled amazingly sophisticated shapes by incorporating the phi ratio in 2-d polygons and then using them to create more complex geometrical shapes. He’s found these same shapes (and their component ratios) existing not only in attractive man-made objects and famous paintings but, of course, in the human form. One of his polygons (Golden Decagon Matrix) reflects the exact molecular composition of DNA (the building block of all life forms). He thus believes that this is proof that beauty is a biologically programmed component of all life forms on earth.
Physical Appearance And Biology
Physical appearance no doubt has something to do with reproductive biology. In almost every culture you will see men find younger women more attractive than older ones, probably because of their limited span of fertility. However, women are more attracted to older men due to various reasons such as their lifelong fertility, status, and resources. Not all men are created equal and the same goes for women. Some worry that if they are not attractive enough, no one will mate with them as result they won't be able to pass their genes. This is the reason behind the existing competitiveness among men and women. Women compete with other women to attract the best men while men compete for dominance and power to attract the most beautiful women.
Some people may say that this is an old notion but the fact still exists and it will always. While an individual in the 21st century may choose their partner according to their preference but the decision is highly influenced by physical attractiveness. Every once a month, a woman's face is the most beautiful when she is at the peaky of fertility, at this time they may prefer masculine men but other times they prefer softer features such as caring etc. The above statement also explains why women wear makeup. It is simply because they want to attract men by replicating their beauty as they have when they are at the peak of fertility. This also explains why beauty and cosmetics have been an integral part of women's lives throughout the history of humankind.
Wait There Is Something More Than Biology
When it comes to choosing partners women and men consider various factors. While understanding and shared values are important for both genders, men prefer variety whereas women expect stability and commitment. Men are concerned about the weight of their partner whereas women are concerned about the height of their partner. Daniel Nettle concludes ‘‘tall men have greater reproductive success than shorter men due to their greater ability to attract mates.’' Physical attractiveness no doubt is an important factor for women but we live in a society where we all constantly seek higher social status. So, in most cases, women give higher importance to socioeconomic status when it comes to choosing the father of their children as compared to looks. People also make dating choices based on their level of physical appearance due to the fear of rejection.
Your Parents Love You Based On Your Physical Attractiveness
I see you are shocked, right? But here is a thing several studies have revealed that your physical attractiveness at the moment of your birth determines how much love and care you are going to receive from your own parents. A study by the University of Texas reveals that mothers of attractive infants spend more time with their babies and are more affectionate as compared to mothers of less attractive infants.
Also, mothers with less attractive infants perceived their child as interfering more in their lives. So, basically, the physical attractiveness of a baby influence maternal behaviour. Further studies suggest that children with higher physical attractiveness since they receive more care, attention and love from their parents also show better social behaviour. Not just the parents but the nurses also care more for the attractive babies. In simple language, people are more likely to love you if you are physically attractive. Sad, right? but that's the truth.
![cheerful mother and daughter having fun on bed at home cheerful mother and daughter having fun on bed at home](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa49e474d-eb7d-4c94-8c6c-e3c5e8c5052d_1880x1253.jpeg)
Does Physical Attractiveness Suggest Someone Is A Good Person?
Yes, it does. There are various reasons for this but this statement is not a universal truth. Kids with higher PA (physical attractiveness) levels receive more care, love, and attention. As a result, they are more likely to develop good qualities such as kindness, friendliness, better social behaviour etc. Also, parents invest more time in them so they learn so many valuable things but this is not necessary in all cases. Some kids grow up in toxic families others in peaceful families. So, there is a difference. Also, due to the existing stereotype for the people with higher PA, we often perceive them as better person. People who are good looking are more likely to escape harsh punishment as compared to less attractive people for the same crime. One study has revealed that children choose their friends based on physical attractiveness.
Children learn physical attractiveness stereotypes from various sources such as fairy tales, television, and the behaviour of their parents and siblings. In almost all the stories we learn that ugly people are wicked and bad whereas beautiful people are good and kind. Imagine the influence of these messages on a kid's mind. I mean why can't villains be beautiful?
How Your Physical Attractiveness Influence Your Performance?
A study by psychologist Elaine Hatfield reveals that teachers expect good looking kids to perform better. Teachers invest more time in kids they think have greater potential. As a result, good looking kids get more attention from their teachers. But do you think the expectation of one person can influence the performance of another person? Yes, this is not a secret but a fact proved by Dr Robert Rosenthal in his popular research of the Pygmalion effect.
But what's wrong if a teacher is influencing the performance of a good looking student? Yes, there is for the students who are not good looking. They are often perceived negatively by their teachers as result their performance also gets worst. Students who are not good looking are more likely to be punished for small reasons. I am sure you must have noticed these things. You know what there are far deeper effects of this on kids who are less attractive. Most of them become insecure and depressed. While the better-looking students get more attention, make more friends, get attractive partners and gain popularity, the one who is less attractive carry the burden of education.
How Physical Attractiveness Influence Your Job Career?
Some people may think physical attractiveness has nothing to do with a job career, all that matters is how skilful you are. You are wrong If you believe so. Your physical attractiveness level influences your salary, your performance and your promotions in your job career. Those who have higher PA levels are more likely to be very effective at the workplace because of the manager's expectations (the Pygmalion effect). They bring more "Quasi-rents (income generated by the individual employee). Hence they receive more benefits. It simply happens because customers too, perceive people with higher PA levels as more trustworthy, good and better as compared to less attractive ones.
![woman writing in paper woman writing in paper](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F932dd48f-2129-4e46-9c9f-fdd66240422e_1820x1300.jpeg)
As a result, the ones with higher PA are more likely to bring more sales. Have you ever wondered why all the sales executives are beautiful people? It's simple, they bring more profit. There is an existing practice called hire-handsome in the corporate world, especially when in the advertising industry. All the ads you see on television mostly feature people who look attractive.
Research has proved that people too don't respond positively to ads featuring less attractive individuals. It's simple, people are driven by the beauty stereotype so they give higher importance to good looking individuals everywhere. As a result, physically attractive people get better opportunities, more income and promotions as compared to less attractive people. Unless you are exceptionally skilful you will have to face the beauty bias in the corporate world.
There is one thing you must not ignore, the corporate world is driven by profit. No doubt with higher PA you enjoy more benefits in the corporate world but you need to be ready to face the harsh consequence if you make any mistakes. Plus with age, you will have to work harder to maintain your look.
Crime And Judgement
There is a line in the movie 12 Angry Men "Prejudice obscures the truth." This line powerfully tells us how we act under the boundaries of personal prejudice. As I mentioned earlier those who are good looking are perceived to be good and those who are less attractive are perceived to be evil. This idea of beauty also influences the judgment in courtrooms. Those who are beautiful are less likely to be punished.
There are cases where attractive criminals are less likely to be found guilty. This is shocking yet a fact that rapists who are more attractive than victims receive lenient charges. Racism based on colour has always existed in society and we all are aware of the history of the black minority in the USA. This racial biasedness always existed when it comes to courtroom judgements but it's not just about race, it's about the look as well - some people refer to it as Lookism.
In today's political world, media image is all you need to have to win an election. Do you think people choose their politicians based on their speeches? Or Is it because of their physical attractiveness? Well, I guess this is hard to answer because none of us ever thought about this. A study on the same has revealed that people are more likely to choose their leader based on their physical attractiveness if they don't have much information about the person. Once they get more information they may change their minds but the physical appearance matters a lot. Today most politicians are spending a huge amount of money to improve their media image, which involves so many things (PA, Public perception etc.). This fact is quite evidently visible if you watch the news regularly.
How Media And Social Network Has influenced The Idea of Physical Attractiveness?
As I mentioned earlier in the article that the concept of beauty has been deeply ingrained in our culture right from the beginning. From religious books to fairytales, everywhere beauty has been given importance. Imagine the effect of the thousands of years of programming. In the modern world, it's very difficult for anyone to ignore the information that is being bombarded every day. Before the arrival of social media, television and magazines had influenced the minds of people all over the world. From news reporting to magazine covers, everywhere you can see beautiful faces. On average women watch 400-600 advertisements every day. In the times of Instagram Reels imagine how many beautiful faces we come across every single day!!
Also, you must have noticed that most successful social media influencers are often beautiful, irrespective of their content.
These advertisements in some way emphasize the importance of beauty and influence the mind of women, especially young girls (teenagers). The minimum age to use social media is 13 years which is also the beginning of the teenage years. We are most insecure about our bodies in these years. Imagine the repercussion on a teenager's mind who sees the perfect body all over the internet. Social media, television, advertisements, magazines etc. are setting the standard for a beautiful body every day. Nobody wants to be ugly and nobody wants to accept so-called ugliness!! Everybody is chasing perfection.
Les Moonves, CEO of CBS (from 2003 to 2018) told a New York Times's reporter that if hiring attractive women to read the news while removing her clothes would increase the viewership, he would do so because it is his job to give the audience what they need.
After finishing the article you can watch this documentary to get more understanding of the issue I am referring to.
So, What's Wrong With The Idea Of Physical Attractiveness?
Physical attractiveness is no longer limited to the biological motivation of simply mating and reproduction. It has shaped our society in a way we can never imagine. Beauty stereotype has resulted in the insecurity of almost every human being. Insecurity has resulted in billions of dollars in the beauty industry. From poor to rich everybody is trying to become more beautiful. People are spending huge amounts of money on plastic surgery just to achieve the perfect body. Those who know the significance of beauty have learnt to manipulate it to make their way to success. Billions of dollars are being spent on advertisements every year to target the right audience for their cosmetic products.
So, why is this happening?
Simple answer, because of you and me. Your beauty stereotype doesn't allow you to trust a less attractive person in the advertisement, so marketers have to show you what you want, right. Otherwise, they will be at a loss. We want to hang out with beautiful friends and we desire a beautiful partner for social status. Read the story of Michael Jackson transformation. Nowadays, beauty has less to do with reproduction and more to do with social validation. Laser Vaginal rejuvenation, Labial reduction, Penis enlargement surgery, plastic surgery, steroids shots etc. are common today. Nudity, pornographic content all over the internet are giving people the idea of a perfect body and they out of their insecurities are ready to spend the needed amount. The beauty industry is highly profitable. It is one of the most profitable industries in the world that has survived the COVID-19 easily.
People are so worried about the perfect body that it has resulted in various health disorders all over the world. Eating disorders such as Binge eating, Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia nervosa especially among the young population. Women are worried about their weight. Men are worried about height, facial hair and muscle growth. All these insecurities have resulted in the deaths of many. Please read these reports if you have time (https://anad.org/get-informed/about-eating-disorders/eating-disorders-statistics/) and (https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/statistics-research-eating-disorders).
Let's accept a bitter fact, no matter what we say, we all judge people based on their physical attractiveness level (Basically how they look). The idea of beauty is not going anywhere because of its nature (both biological and social) but it is possible to do something about it. We need to learn to accept our imperfections and at the same time, we need to accept others imperfections as well. We need to do this because someday our kids too will feel insecure and will be victims of lookism. So, how can we develop such an attitude? We can develop such an attitude through positive affirmations and communication:
Tell yourself that you are perfect the way you are every day when you look into the mirror.
Tell yourself that your job, career, friends, and partner are not the result of your looks but your skills and values.
Communicate with your mind positively about yourself.
Communicate with your kids about the message they are receiving after reading a story, watching ads or a movie. Communicate with them in such a way so that they don't develop the beauty stereotype when they grow older.
Develop self-awareness and a conscious awareness for not judging others based on their physical appearance.
Accept diversity and others imperfection.
Only through a collective approach, we will be able to fight the overlooked discrimination called - LOOKISM.
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